Top 10 reasons for an EAP
Organisations commonly adopt Employee Assistance Programmes in order to maintain a productive and functional working environment. Primarily the goal of an EAP is to ensure the mental health of employees and we have compiled the top 10 reasons for an EAP!
EAPs cover everything from mental illness, stress-related illness, drug and alcohol probelms through to family related stress, martial problems and therapy. These types of programmes have proven highly effective for the wider success of companies that employ them and for the individual employees of those companies.
Here are the top 10 reasons for an EAP
1 of top 10 is Improved Productivity
Employee Assistance Programmes are designed to improve the productivity of your employees. When an employee is dealing with personal issues such as mental illness, family problems or substance abuse, to name a few, the result is often a drop in productivity at work. EAPs provide the company with prevention techniques, assessment protocols and health management services. This means that while helping your employees deal with all of life’s little ups and downs and we all know these are unavoidable, you are also ensuring effective company growth and development.
2 is Reduced Company Costs
When an employee is suffering personally it is likely their work will suffer too. The bottom line is when this occurs the company incurs financial losses. EAPs are designed to reduce the impact that social, psychological or physical problems have on the employee in order to reduce the financial impact on the company.
3 of top 10 is Third Party Assistance
EAPs are third party agencies that specialise in connecting employees with appropriate services according to their needs. EAPs work with the company to provide employees with the best possible health, safety and training services. They assess individual employee needs, refer employees to suitable services and provide employees with confidential professional services. Essentially an EAP can manage the overall health and safety of your employees so that you can get on with business.
4 Increased Morale and Work Place Harmony
Human resources are the most invaluable of all resources so it makes sense that as an employer you need to look after your employees. A happy and healthy employee is a productive and effective one. EAPs ensure that your employees are well taken care of as individuals so that they can perform as part of your team. An EAP provides prevention and management services that ensure employees are happy and healthy. An EAP is highly conducive to a harmonious work place. The added advantage here is that the employees know that the company supports them in their daily work.
5 Reducing Absenteeism
Absenteeism costs the company money. Frequent absenteeism can be devastating to business. EAPs reduce the amount of time employee’s take off work. These programmes aim to provide a range of prevention and treatment options for employees and their families. In the event that time of work is required the amount of time is greatly reduced and the employee is able to return to work with renewed strength.
6 Reduced Turnover
A high turnover of employees can be costly for any company. EAPs effectively reduce the turnover of employees by managing work related and personal stress. EAPs improve the working environment in terms of morale and company support ensuring employees are less likely to leave their jobs.
7 Reduced Accidents at Work
It is easy to see how accidents can happen at work when you’re stressed. A person suffering from stress-related symptoms will often experience difficulty with concentration, mental focus and physical function. This can be a dangerous combination in any environment. An EAP is equipped to prevent this from occurring or at least prevent it from reoccurring. EAPs look after the mental health and ability of your employees ensuring that they are able to function at the required level.
8 Resolution of Work Related Problems
External stress often results in a reduction in work place performance. Problems within the working environment lead to absenteeism, high turnover and low morale. EAPs look after the physiological health of employees developing strategies for coping with external stress as well as work related stress. An EAP will help employees develop the skills they need to cope with all types of work related stress. In turn this reduces the impact of work related stress as there is a quick resolution.
9 Professional Services
EAPs connect troubled employees to professional services. The great thing about an EAP is they are able to connect employees directly with these services. And the first appointment will usually occur within a few days. This means that your employees are getting the help they need quickly, dealing with and averting crisis situations.
10 Improved Work Performance
Companies employing the services of a professional EAP have not only experienced increases in productivity but also in quality of work. An EAP manages these problems and ensures employee issues are quickly resolved. This means fewer mistakes at work, high quality output and an overall increase in work place performance.
if you like the top 10 reasons for an EAP then take a look at the return on investment of an EAP.