The UK Employee Assistance Professionals Association EAPA, is the body that represents the interests of professionals concerned with employee assistance, psychological health and wellbeing in the UK. Click to the EAPA website
The EAPA mission is to promote the highest standards of practice and the continuing development of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) and services in the UK.
Enlighten has been a consultant member of EAPA for many years our registration can be found at Find an EAP
Enlighten are actively involved in the UK with The Employee Assistance Programme Association. EAPA is developing high professional standards and is the biggest professional body of its type in Europe, it is associated with the global EAPA based in the US.
Paul Roberts, Director of enlighten leads the project team for publications that include 2013 Market Review and The UK EAPA standards.
The EAP Association is working on updating the current goals:
- Organisational Effectiveness – to continuously improve EAPA’s organisational structure and resources to pursue its vision, achieve its mission, and fully satisfy the needs of its members.
- Professional Ethics – to support the highest level of ethical practice among employee assistance professionals
- Continuous professional Development – to continuously improve the competency and qualifications of employee assistance professionals
- Strong Standards – to foster the highest level of employee assistance programme standards
- Professional Recognition – to promote awareness and recognition of employee assistance programme benefits
- Research and Information – to provide information and sponsor research on issues affecting the development of the field and its professionals.
News and Articles
- NEW PUBLICATION! Managing traumatic events in the workplace
- Mental health crisis facing UK
- 70% of employers say EAPs are most valuable health and wellbeing benefit
- Pressure at work is key cause of employee stress
- Unspoken workplace expectations creating stressed employees
- Nearly half of employers put mental health at top of employee health agenda
We are happy to discuss our involvement and how that helps our clients, enlighten and the wider market.