enlighten client feedback beats benchmarks

enlighten client feedback beats benchmarks

enlighten client feedback Client feedback is invaluable to us here at Enlighten. Below are a few quotes from our current clients: “I have some very happy staff now.” NHS London HR business partner “Many thanks again for your contributions yesterday.” County Council....
EAPs are effective with good ROI

EAPs are effective with good ROI

Research commissioned by the UK Employee Assistance Professionals Association [EAPA} confirms the effectiveness of counselling through EAPs. They support and promote employee health and wellbeing and reduce levels of psychological distress in the workplace giving good...
Trauma support from an EAP

Trauma support from an EAP

When two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on April 15 2014, dozens of police and medical personnel rushed to the scene. In the weeks and months that have followed since the blasts—which left three dead and hundreds wounded—nurses, doctors and...